LGCA Fall 2019 Update

Thanks the Town of Mamaroneck for installing 2 new dog litter bag dispenser stations at the Gardens Lake. We also appreciate the new path, grass and plantings – especially the addition of native Black Eyed Susans that bloomed so beautifully there this summer. They should return every year, so if you missed it, be sure to get down to the lake next year.
A quick update on the proposed sidewalk for Hickory Grove East and the reconditioning of the Arches: Town Administrator, Steve Alteiri explained that these 2 items are still in the town’s budget. However the required engineering has not yet been done due to the necessity of having to focus their resources on this summer’s sewer work, the Pryor Manor Bridge work and the renovation of the Weaver St. Firehouse. Steve said that they planned to do the engineering for these projects over the winter and be ready to go when the weather breaks next year. Stay tuned…
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